Contact Me

How to contact me



  • Do not spam me with messages.
  • My email is reserved for business/very important messages. for anything else, refer to my other contacts.
  • Some of my accounts don't use the 'dskooper' (or 'kooperds') moniker, this is because either it was taken or it was made before I chose this name. In that case, i will make it clear below.



Main contacts:

  • Discord  -- @dskooper
  • Twitter  -- @kooperds
  • YouTube  -- @dskooper
  • GitHub   -- @commandcontrolQ
  • Steam    -- cobalt487
  • E-mail   --


Other contacts:

(I rarely use these contacts at all, so please do not expect a result.)

  • Windows Live Messenger (via Escargot) --
  • Mario Kart DS (friend code)           -- 327019-696795